And Contestant Limits
Set For SAFECON 2009
Monroe, LA - For SAFECON 2009 the NIFA Executive Committee approved the following list of events to be held and the number of contestants from each team, allowed to compete. At its mid-winter business meeting, the committee added the limit of one (1) contestant per team for the achievement award interviews.
Flying Events .....Power Off Landings* 4.....Short Field Approach and Landing* 4.....Navigation 3.....Message Drop 4.....IFR Simulated Flight 1.....CRM / LOFT 1Ground Events .....Computer Accuracy 5.....Ground Trainer 2.....Aircraft Preflight Inspection 2.....Aircraft Recognition 5.....Simulated Comprehensive Aircraft Navigation 5Other Events .....Mens Achievement 1.....Womens Achievement 1
* Only 2 landings per contestant